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2024-02-08 07:20:16
美[siːzəbəl]  英[siːzəbl]
adj.  可捉捕的;可夺取的;可扣押的


  1. When I seiz u up once again, I find that u have some kind of magic charm. 我又看看你,觉得你身上有种不可思议的力量。
  2. Here comes courage! That seiz,d the lion absent, and run away from the present mouse. 勇气油然而生!去抓获不在的猛狮,丢开眼前的老鼠。
  3. Seiz ndai muengh reih noix. 除草时望地少。
  4. Lingz miz seiz doek dat. 猴子有时掉下悬崖。
  5. Seiz iq gaenx lienh ndang miz rengz, 小时勤练身有力,
  6. Was seizd by the spirit that trails in the lines underfoot, 逮住精灵问痕迹诗行却是老碍事,