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2024-02-08 08:22:17
美  英
n.  塞利格(Zelig的异体)(m


  1. Irgendwo zwischen Lenny Kravitz und Selig. 音乐之声 Falk - schwer zu sagen.
  2. Selig ist, der sich selbst kein Gewissen macht in dem, was er annimmt. [德文] Hast du den Glauben; so habe ihn bei dir selbst vor Gott.
  3. When I was about twelve years old I was given a book entitled Explaining the Atom,by Selig Hecht. 在我大约12岁的时候,得到了一本塞利格·赫克特写的《解释原子》一书。
  4. Dan Selig( Max Herholz) is a bored thirty year-old math wiz whos looking for a way to change his life. 丹是个三十来岁生活乏味的数学天才,他正寻找方法来改变生活方式。
  5. Selig Harrison said senior officials warned that North Korea was now a nuclear weapons state and would not commit itself on when it would give them up. 塞利格哈里森表示,高级官员警告说,朝鲜现在已经是一个拥有核武器的国家,但朝鲜不愿做出何时将会放弃核武器的承诺。
  6. YOO T S,SELIG E T.Dynamics of viboratory roller compaction[J].Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division,1979,105 (Gt12):1114. 秦四成;程悦荪;李忠;等.;振动压路机振动轮-土壤系统动力学分析[J]