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2024-02-08 09:04:17
美[ˌsemɪəkwætɪk]  英[ˌsemɪəkwætɪk]
adj.  半水生的;半水栖的


  1. having an aquatic early or larval form and a terrestrial adult form
  2. partially aquatic; living or growing partly on land and partly in water;

    "a marginal subaquatic flora"


  1. A semiaquatic egg-laying mammal(Ornithorhynchus anatinus) of Australia and Tasmania, having a broad flat tail, webbed feet, and a snout resembling a ducks bill. 鸭嘴兽产于澳大利亚和塔斯马尼亚的一种半水生产卵的哺乳动物(鸭嘴兽鸭嘴兽属),尾宽阔而扁平,脚有蹼,鼻子类似于鸭嘴
  2. With its gaping maw, hairless body and eyes that sit high on its head, the semiaquatic hippo is one of the most distinctive members of Africas mammalian menagerie. 河马是非洲野生哺乳动物中形象鲜明的一员,体表无毛,有著一张大嘴巴,两只眼睛长在头顶上。
  3. Platypus is a semiaquatic egg-laying mammal (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) of Australia and Tasmania,having a broad flat tail,webbed feet,and a snout resembling a ducks bill. 鸭嘴兽是产于澳大利亚和塔斯马尼亚的一种半水生产卵的哺乳动物(鸭嘴兽属),尾宽阔而扁平,脚有蹼,鼻子类似于鸭嘴。
  4. A large semiaquatic rodent(Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) of tropical South America,having short limbs and a vestigial tail and often attaining lengths of more than1.2 meters(4 feet). 水豚,一种巨大的半水栖啮齿动物(水豚),产于南美洲的热带地区,四肢短小,尾已退化,身体长达1.;2米(4英尺)。
  5. A large semiaquatic rodent(Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) of tropical South America, having short limbs and a vestigial tail and often attaining lengths of more than1.2 meters(4 feet). 水豚一种巨大的半水栖啮齿动物(水豚),产于南美洲的热带地区,四肢短小,尾已退化,身体长达1。2米(4英尺)
  6. Any of various semiaquatic carnivores of the genus Mustela,especially M. vison of North America,resembling the weasel and having short ears,a pointed snout,short legs,and partly webbed toes. 鼬(尤指水貂)一种鼬属的半水生食肉动物,尤指北美的鼬属水貂同其它鼬属动物相似,耳短、口吻突出、腿短且部分趾间有蹼