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2024-02-08 09:08:16
美[semɪɔːtəmeɪtɪd]  英[semɪɔːtəmeɪtɪd]
adj.  半自动的


  1. Commercial SLO and SLP used for glaucoma management incorporate semiautomated morphometry algorithms which make partial correction for ocular magnification (OCT does not). 用于青光眼治疗的商业化的SLO和SLP合并成半自动式形态测定分析,对视觉放大做了部分校正(OCT不这样)。
  2. The sperm morphology analysis using semiautomated sperm morphology analyzer (ASMA) was performed.To analyze Ureaplasma urealyticum, the culture method was used. 采用计算机自动检测系统下人工修正方法进行精子形态分析,计算机自动分析精子密度、活率、活力等精液参数。
  3. In this paper, a MTT-based semiautomated colormetric assay was used to study the sensitivity difference among eight cultured insect cell lines to Methomyl pesticide. 采用MTT法,研究了灭多威农药对八种昆虫离体细胞系敏感性的差异。
  4. A strain of pathogenic bacteria (HX4) was isolated from Eriocher sinensis with ascitic fluid disease in the area of Liuan,Anhui Province and was classified as V.mimicus by API/ATB semiautomated idetification and molecular genetic idetification. 从六安地区患腹水病的中华绒螯蟹(Eriochersinensis)体内分离到一株病原菌(HX4菌株),经API/ATB半自动化鉴定和分子遗传学鉴定,确定为拟态弧菌(V mimicus)。
  5. Kevin Montgomery, Muriel D Ross. A method for semiautomated serial section reconstruction and visualization of neural tissue from TEM images. (San Jose,CA: SPIE,1993) http://biocomp. arc. nasa. gov/. 洪泉;陈德强;黄文浩.;一种基于图像内部信息的轮廓匹配和切片对齐新方法
  6. Semiautomated method for determination of serum paraoxonase activity using paraoxon as substrate 用过氧磷做底物测定血清中过氧磷酶活性的半自动方法