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2024-02-08 09:10:16
美[ˌsemɪɔːtɒnəməs]  英[semɪɔːtɒnəməs]
adj.  半自治的
  副词:semiautonomously  名词:semiautonomy


  1. Semiautonomous and autonomous unmanned air and ground systems. 半自动以及全自动无人机和地面系统。
  2. Abu Dhabi is one of seven semiautonomous emirates that make up the UAE. 阿布扎比是阿联酋七个半自治酋长国之一。
  3. There was no voting in the semiautonomous Kurdish region in the north, or in the divided city of Kirkuk. 半自治的北方库尔德地区没有进行选举。
  4. Soldiers from a semiautonomous Somali region freed a cargo ship from pirates Tuesday. 索马里半自治地区的部队14日采取行动,解救了一艘被海盗劫持的货船。
  5. The lack of infrastructure makes it difficult for the semiautonomous government in south Sudan to secure its borders. 基础设施的缺乏导致南苏丹办自制政府很难保护边境地区。
  6. Any of the ten regions designated by South Africa as semiautonomous territorial states for the Black population. 黑人住宅区南非政府指定的十个由黑人居住的半自治领地