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2024-02-08 09:26:16
美[ˌsemɪklɑːsɪkl]  英[ˌsemɪklɑːsɪkl]
adj.  半经典的


  1. A semiclassical description is possible. 半经典描述是可能的。
  2. Semiclassical approximation has comprehensive applications in modern physics. 在现代物理学中,半经典近似方法有着广泛的应用。
  3. Lorentzian wormholes are mainly studied in semiclassical gravity and Euclidean wormholes are studied in particle physics. 洛伦兹虫孔主要用于半经典重力引力研究,而欧几里得虫孔用于粒子物理学研究。
  4. The formula of level shifts in AC Zeeman effect is derived on the base of a simple semiclassical method. 用一种简单的半经典方法推导出了交流塞曼效应中的能级移动公式。
  5. We compare the results in two used theory,the quantum theory and the Lamb semiclassical theory. 针对两能级原子介质,研究激光器的三种工作状态,并将量子理论结果与兰姆的半经典理论结果进行比较。
  6. Pseudopath semiclassical approximation of scattering in open quantum billiards[J]. 引用该论文 徐学友;王树宝;贾正茂;林圣路.