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2024-02-08 09:45:17
美[semɪsɪlɪndrɪkl]  英[semɪsɪlɪndrɪkl]
adj.  半圆柱状的;半柱面形的


  1. The underground buildings are semicylindrical in design. 这种地下建筑物设计成半圆筒形的。
  2. Then the semicylindrical door opened in an outrushing cloud of icy gas and billowing Protoculture brimstone. 随后,半柱面形舱门打开,急速喷出一团带冰的冷气,硫磺一般的史前文化能量上下翻腾。
  3. semicylindrical reflector 半圆柱形反射器
  4. ventral marginal In the clasper skeleton, a flat semicylindrical cartilage that is partially fused to the lateral edge of the axial cartilage, and forms the lateral wall of the clasper groove. 腹边缘的在交尾器骨骼中,一个平坦的半圆柱状软骨组织,那是轴软骨组织部份融合成的,而且形成交接器凹槽的侧壁。