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2024-02-08 09:54:17
美[ˌsemɪdaɪɜːnəl]  英[ˌsemɪdaɪɜːnl]
adj.  半天的;一天两次的


  1. The diurnal springs correspond to the semidiurnal neaps and vice versa. 全日潮大潮对应于半日潮小潮,反之亦然。
  2. Accordingly, if want to use paper of oil absorption face, semidiurnal frequency is the properest. 因此,若要使用吸油面纸,一天两次的频率是最适当的。
  3. In the marginal seas adjacent to Yantai, tides are regular semidiurnal tides;and tidal currents are diurnal currents. 摘要在烟台外海,潮汐属于正规半日潮性质,而潮流属于日潮流性质。
  4. The application of this scheme to the diurnal and semidiurnal tides in the Bay of Beibuwan (the Gulf of Tonkin) gives the results in agreement to the observations. 运用于北部湾全日潮和半日潮的计算,结果与实测一致。
  5. In each cruise the semidiurnal tidal currents were eliminated from the ADCP currents by two different methods, i.e., the phase averaging method and the TSNOW calculation. 滤潮的方式,以相位平均为主,TSNOW模式预报的潮流为辅助。
  6. A finite difference solution of the diurnal and semidiurnal tides and tidal currents in the Korea Strait is obtained with satisfactory agreement to the observed distribution. 本文依据二维长波方程,用有限差分方法计算了朝鲜海峡的半日潮和全日潮,得到与实际观测符合良好的结果。文章给出了潮汐、潮流和能通量的分布。