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2024-02-08 10:20:16
美[semaɪˌgruːp]  英[semɪgruːp]
n.  半群组


  1. The latter two published a monograph on semigroup theory in 1961. 后面二人在 1961 年出版了半群理论的专论。
  2. A construction theorem for such semigroup is obtained. 给出该类半群的一个构造定理.
  3. It follows that every nonempty periodic semigroup has at least one idempotent. 得出了所有非空周期半群都有至少一个幂等元。
  4. A semigroup generated by a single element is said to be monogenic (or cyclic ). 被一个单一元素生成的半群叫做 单基因 的(或 循环 的)。
  5. The minimal ideal of a commutative semigroup, when it exists, is a group. 交换半群的极小理想如果存在的话是个群。
  6. A semigroup is said to be periodic if all of its elements are of finite order. 半群被称为 周期性 的,如果所有它的元素有着有限次序。