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2024-02-08 10:27:16
美[semɪlɒg]  英[semɪlɒg]
adj.  半对数的


  1. However, it is preferable to utilize the semilog linear plot method with several experimental points. 不过,用几个试验点作半对数线形图的方法更为可
  2. This kind of new method can advance the appearance time for semilog straight-line portion, and shorten shut-in time. 这种新的解释方法大大提前了半对数直线段出现时间,缩短了关井时间。
  3. There is a correlation between accumulated water production rate and accumulated oil production rate, which is a linear relation on semilog coordinate. 注水开发油田累计产水量和累计产油量存在一定的相关性,在半对数坐标上呈近似直线关系。
  4. By using cross-sectional data and semilog model, the assertion tests these assumptions and can explain more than 60% of the inequity. 通过对横截面数据采用半对数模型进行回归,检验了这些假说,可以解释全部不平等程度超过60%25。
  5. The relationship between dynamic modulus and phase angle can be characterized by a semilog model, which further verified the reinforcement of fiber modified asphalt mixtures. 纤维沥青混合料的动态模量和相位角关系可以用半对数模型表征,该模型进一步验证了纤维对沥青混合料的增强作用;
  6. A semilog straight-line relationship Of water cut vs. cumulatlve oil production or current recovery of OOIP hasbeen given according to the researched results available from water drives curves. 基于水驱曲线关系的研究成果,得到了含水率与累积产油量或采出程度的半对数直线关系。