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2024-02-08 10:44:17
美[ˌsemɪneriən]  英[ˌsemɪneəriən]
n.  神学校学生


  1. a student at a seminary (especially a Roman Catholic seminary)


  1. The card is only for Reverend, Pastors and Full-time Seminarian. (只限牧师、传道及全时间神学生申请,申请时需出示相关有效文件。
  2. He entered the Jesuit order at 19, and began writing about 10 years later, while he was still a seminarian. 他19岁加入耶稣会,约10年后开始写作,当时他还是神学院学生。
  3. I always feel Gods caring through the community when I back to the fellowship for a sharing of seminarian life in my mother church. 当小占回到母会的团契分享神学生生活时,总会让我感到神藉著群体对我的关爱。
  4. In a recent exclusive TV interview, Marcoux accused Weakland of sexually assaulting him in 1979 when he, then a seminarian, went to consult with the archbishop about entering the priesthood. 马库斯在最近的电视专访中,指控威克兰在他一九七九年还是一名神学生时,趁他向这位主教徵询有关成为神职人员事宜之际,对他进行性侵犯。
  5. We have also made efforts to support seminaries: providing seminarian internship opportunities for the training of God’s servants, and use our resources to help the poor and needy at home and abroad. 我们也尽力支持神学院:如提供实习工场给神学生和运用我们的资源去帮助本地或国外的贫乏人士。
  6. " He became a seminarian because he felt it his calling. 由于感受到神的召唤,他成为了神学院的学生。