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2024-02-08 10:50:17
美[ˌsemənɪfərəs]  英[ˌsemənɪfərəs]
adj.  生种子的;产生精液的;输精的


  1. bearing or producing seed or semen;

    "seminiferous tubules"


  1. Spermaries comprise many seminiferous tubules. 精巢由许多精小管组成;
  2. The sperm originate in gonial cells (spermatogonia) in the walls of seminiferous tubules. 精子产生于输精管壁的性母细胞(精原细胞)。
  3. Longitudinal section of a testicle showing the seminiferous tubules and the convoluted epididymis. 睾丸纵切面,示生精小管和迂回蟠曲的附睾。
  4. From days 14 to 35, Tyro 3 appeared on Sertoli cell processes toward adluminal compartment of seminiferous tubules. 在生后2到5周,Tyro 3主要定位在Sertoli细胞近腔室包绕生殖细胞的突起上;
  5. Artery has spermary artery, seminiferous duct artery and artery of the flesh that carry Gao. 动脉有睾丸动脉、输精管动脉及提睾肌动脉。
  6. The development of the male germ cells in different seminiferous tubules was different. 不同精小管内生殖细胞的发育是不同步的。