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2024-02-08 10:56:16
美[ˌsemɪəfɪʃəl]  英[ˌsemɪəfɪʃəl]
adj.  半官方的


  1. having some official authority or sanction


  1. Association of trade of shoe of city of deer of lukewarm state city is the guild of typical semiofficial type. 温州市鹿城鞋业协会是典型的半官方式的行业协会。
  2. The channeling of E.U. funds to the Palestinian Authority to unofficial or semiofficial accounts was a bone of contention that often troubled many an honest official of the Union. 困扰许多诚实的欧盟官员的一个争端是,是否应该将欧盟的资金打到巴勒斯坦当局的非官方或半官方账户上。
  3. The deputy commander of Irans air force said yesterday that plans have been drawn up to bomb Israel if the Jewish state attacks Iran, according to the semiofficial Fars news agency. 据伊朗半官方的法尔斯社报道;伊朗空军副司令昨天说;伊朗已制定好计划;一旦受到以色列攻击;伊朗将轰炸这个犹太人国家.
  4. Before this, asia-Pacific area already had the organization of a certain number of folk or semiofficial property, its sponsor and leader member are academia, business circles to know a personage more. 此前,亚太地区已有了若干民间或半官方性质的组织,其发起者和领导成员多为学术界、企业界知名人士。
  5. " " TD develops up to now, it is the extraordinary industry that has semiofficial quality all the time. “TD成长至今,一向是存在半民间性质的特殊工业。”
  6. No report of death has been sent to the police, the AP quoted Azizollah Rajabzadeh saying late Sunday, citing the semiofficial ISNA news agency. 据美联社报导,拉贾巴扎赫周日晚些时候对半官方的伊朗通讯社(ISNA)说,警方没有接到有人死亡的报告。