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2024-02-08 11:12:16
美[ˌsemɪpɜːmənənt]  英[semɪpɜːmənənt]
adj.  非永久性的


  1. relating to or extending over a relatively long time;

    "the long-run significance of the elections" "the long-term reconstruction of countries damaged by the war" "a long-term investment"


  1. An outraged movie like Stone’s intrudes upon a semipermanent mourning. 像斯通这种忿忿不平的电影侵犯到美国人近乎永恒的哀悼。
  2. The area ( s ) on magnetic disks used for work in process ; not permanent or even semipermanent. 用来进行工作的磁盘域,它不是永久性的甚至不是半永久的。
  3. In other words, they decided to treat his layoff as semipermanent and plan accordingly. 换一句话说,他们决定把他的事业作为半永久性的而且据此做出相应的计划。
  4. A file of data considered permanent or semipermanent, i.e., an arrangement or ordering of a series of record; also, a single record from such a file. 一种永久性或半永久性的数据文件,也就是一系列记录的排列和定序;也指这种文件中的单个记录。
  5. Objective: To observe the clinical effectiveness of stainless steel crown (SSC) in semipermanent treatment for badly-broken down the first permanent molar of children. 摘要目的:观察不锈钢预成冠在儿童第1恒磨牙大面积缺损的非永久性修复的临床效果。
  6. Objective: To observe the clinical effectiveness of stainless steel crown (SSC) in semipermanent treatment for badly broken down the first permanent molar of children. 目的:观察不锈钢预成冠在儿童第1恒磨牙大面积缺损的非永久性修复的临床效果。