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2024-02-08 11:18:16
美[ˌsemɪpraɪvɪt]  英[ˌsemɪpraɪvɪt]
adj.  半私用的


  1. confined to a small number of hospital patients;

    "semiprivate room"


  1. The Grand Sports Club villas feature private gymnasium as well as private or semiprivate swimming pools. 运动俱乐部的每一间别墅都设有私人健身房,专享或半专享游泳池。
  2. Are you a private, semiprivate or official company and which is your time in the market? 当客户问及这样的信息是不是得一一作答呀?
  3. Inside the big cabin that Sara and Alexis planned to share, the two younger sisters added to their workload by building a dividing bulkhead.That gave each girl a semiprivate berth of her own. 在宽大的船舱里面,萨拉和亚力克西斯计划与之分享,两位年轻的姐妹为了建造分隔开的船舱,她们加大了她们的工作量,是为每位姑娘她们有一个半私密的卧舱。
  4. a semiprivate room. 半私用的房间
  5. system of semiprivate ownership 半私有制