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2024-02-08 11:22:17
美[semikweɪvər]  英[semikweɪvə(r)]
n.  十六分音符


  1. a musical note having the time value of a sixteenth of a whole note


  1. A barely audible ff septuplet of semiquaver chords and two rabid glissandi are thrown in by the soloist, before piano and bass section end the movement in five different Gs. 独奏者敲出一个几乎听不清的使用最强音的十六分音符七连音和弦和两个狂燥的滑音,然后,钢琴和铜管部分在五个不同的G上结束了本乐章。
  2. Quiet redirection subsequently issues from the bassoons, which take up the wandering piano-theme, while the piano itself goes over into a pp semiquaver accompaniment. 低音管接着发出安静的转折信号,带出了漫游式的钢琴主题。同时钢琴转变为最弱音的十六分音符的伴奏。
  3. The piano puts a momentary end to its own fury with a barely feasible manoeuvre, both hands jumping up three or four octaves simultaneously and fortissimo in the time of a semiquaver. 钢琴以一种几乎很难实行的行动终止了自己愤怒的演奏,两只手同时跳跃到三或四个八度以上并弹奏十六分音符的最强音。
  4. Thus a stem with two flags, so called from their appearance, indicates a 16th note or semiquaver, a note of half the duration of a stem with one flag, an 8th note or quaver, and so on. 带两个符尾的符干,以其外形得名,表示一个16分音符,带一个符尾的符干,表示一个8分音符,以此类推。