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2024-02-08 11:25:16
美[ˌsemərɪtaɪəd]  英[ˌsemɪrɪtaɪəd]
adj.  半退休的


  1. "I am sort of semiretired," he said."I keep thinking Im going to write a brilliant script. 他认为演电影是一种“令人痛苦的经历”,“既耗费时间又无聊,而且很难表演得恰如其分。
  2. Of course, its not possible for the federal government to guarantee each family a wonderful, healthy, semiretired mother-in-law who happens to live close by. 当然,要联邦政府来保证每个家庭都有一个极好的、健康的、半退休状态的岳母,而且正好住在附近,是不太可能了。
  3. The semiretired chairman of the board of the brokerage firm was a longtime trader with nearly 40 years of experience in the grain pits at the Chicago Board of Trade. 这家经纪公司的主席快退休了,他在芝加哥交易所交易了接近40年的谷物。
  4. I wilt be semiretired. 我要退休了。
  5. The Dalai Lama, who has described himself as semiretired, has said hes agreeable to surrendering his position as head of state if Tibetans-in-exile choose to elect their top government leaders. 达赖喇嘛称自己已经半退休,他说已经打算在西藏流亡政府选择选举他们的最高政府领袖时放弃他作为国家元首的职位。