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2024-02-08 11:28:17
美[ˌsemɪrɪdʒɪd]  英[ˌsemɪrɪdʒɪd]
adj.  半硬式的


  1. having a form maintained by a rigid internal structure as well as by internal gas pressure
  2. not fully rigid


  1. A postoperative semirigid cervical collar was prescribed for 2 months. 手术后嘱患者2个月内戴半刚性的颈托。
  2. Stratospheric airship platform includes soft, rigid and semirigid airships. 平流层飞艇平台可分为软式飞艇、硬式飞艇和半硬式飞艇。
  3. A postoperatie semirigid cerical collar was prescribed for 2 months. 手术后嘱患者2个月内戴半刚性的颈托。
  4. Most beam-column connections used in multi-story frames are semirigid joints. 半刚性连接是目前高层钢结构建筑中常用的一种梁柱连接形式。
  5. A light,semirigid building material of compressed wood pulp,used for walls and partitions. 人造纤维板由木浆压制成的一种轻的、半硬的建筑材料,用作墙和隔板。
  6. A light, semirigid building material of compressed wood pulp, used for walls and partitions. 人造纤维板由木浆压制成的一种轻的、半硬的建筑材料,用作墙和隔板