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2024-02-08 11:46:17
美[ˌsemɪswiːt]  英[semɪswiːt]
adj.  半甜的;不很甜的


  1. having a taste that is a mixture of bitterness and sweetness


  1. Whisk in semisweet chocolate until smooth. Whisk in Irish cream. 在半甜的巧克力拂直到光滑。在爱尔兰的乳脂拂。
  2. People like sweet wine;the most highly regarded is the semisweet Shaoxing, usually warmed before serving. 大家比较喜欢甜,最喜欢的是半甜的绍兴酒,常常先烫熟才喝。
  3. Special liquors and alcoholic drinks(champagne, dark sweet and semisweet wine, liqueur, etc. 特殊酒品(香槟,半干型、甜型葡萄酒,利口酒等);
  4. If you think milk chocolate is too sweet, then you should try semisweet chocolate. 如果你认为牛奶巧克力太甜的话,你应该试试看苦甜巧克力。
  5. This versatile grape can be made into a semisweet wine emphasizing the fruity aromas, or, using oak aging, into a dry less fruity wine. 这种多用途的葡萄,可制作成半甜强调水果香味,葡萄酒或使用橡木老化成干少果味酒。
  6. Dark chocolate and semisweet chocolate chips rank third, with milk chocolate and chocolate syrup at the bottom of the list. 黑巧克力和半甜巧克力珠排第三,牛奶巧克力和巧克力糖浆排在名单的最末。