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2024-02-08 11:47:17
美[ˌsemaɪsɪnθetɪk]  英[semɪsɪnθetɪk]
adj.  半合成的


  1. not of natural origin; prepared or made artificially;

    "man-made fibers" "synthetic leather"


  1. A semisynthetic penicillin effective against penicillin - resistant infections,especially those of staphylococci. 新青霉素二一种半合成青霉素,有效地控制由抗青霉素的葡萄球菌所致感染
  2. Lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD, LSD-25, or acid, is a semisynthetic psychedelic drug of the tryptamine family. 麦角酸二乙酰胺,LSD,LSD-25,或者酸,是半合成吲哚乙胺类致幻剂。
  3. Topotecan(TPT)is a semisynthetic analogue of the natural product camptothecin that exerts antineoplastic activity. Topotecan(TPT)是类似天然抗癌药物喜树碱的半合成新药。
  4. Conclusion This semisynthetic antibody library is capable of cloning antibodies by-passing immunization. 结论所构建的半合成噬菌体抗体库可以用于不经免疫制备抗体。
  5. Abstract:Objective: To clone human anti-keratin antibodies from semisynthetic phage antibody library. 摘 要:目的: 从半合成噬菌体抗体库中筛选人源性抗角蛋白抗体并进行鉴定。
  6. The modified semisynthetic process development of idarubicin was achieved in eight steps starting from daunorubicin. 以柔红霉素为原料;经八步反应制得盐酸伊达比星;总收率为24.;2%25。