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2024-02-08 11:56:17
美[ˌsemɪtrɒpɪkəl]  英[ˌsemɪtrɒpɪkəl]
adj.  亚热带的;副热带的


  1. of or relating to or characteristic of conditions in the subtropics;

    "even near the equator vegetation at 5000 ft is subtropical rather than tropical"


  1. I read from a book that the climate in New Orleans is semitropical. 我看过一本书说新奥尔良属于亚热带气候。
  2. A tropical or semitropical evergreen(Citrus paradisi)cultivated for its edible fruit. 葡萄柚一种热带或亚热带常绿(柑桔属葡萄柚),因其果实可食而被栽培
  3. A tropical or semitropical evergreen(Citrus paradisi) cultivated for its edible fruit. 葡萄柚一种热带或亚热带常绿(柑桔属葡萄柚),因其果实可食而被栽培
  4. A tropical or semitropical evergreen (Citrus paradisi) cultivated for its edible fruit. 葡萄柚:一种热带或亚热带常绿(柑桔属葡萄柚),因其果实可食而被栽培
  5. The whole area enjoy three kinds of climates typical of semitropical areas, temperate latitudes and the intemperate zones. 全区兼有亚热带、温带和寒带三种气候。
  6. The climate in Qinnan District belongs to the monsoon in southern semitropical zone, suitable to all kinds of cash crops and tropical fruits. 钦南区属南亚热带季风气候,适宜种植各种经济作物和亚热带水果。