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2024-02-08 12:07:17
美[ˌseməliːnə]  英[ˌseməliːnə]
n.  粗粒小麦粉;(做布丁、通心粉等用的)粗面粉


  1. 粗粒小麦粉
  2. 麦糁(用以制作意大利面食和甜食)
  3. 粗面粉(用以制作意大利面食和甜食)
  4. 粗粒面粉(做布丁、通心粉等用的)
  5. 粗麦


  1. milled product of durum wheat (or other hard wheat) used in pasta


  1. A pasta of North African origin made of crushed and steamed semolina. 蒸粗麦粉源于北非的用压碎并蒸出的粗面粉制成的面食
  2. Semolina pasta in a hearty Bolognese meat sauce flavored with red wine, onion, celery, and olive oil. 肉酱意大利面,很经典。浓重的肉酱加入红酒、葱、芹和橄榄油。
  3. Combine all-purpose flour, semolina, baking powder, ground hazelnut and cinnamon powder and sift into the egg mixture. Blend in milk and raisins. 中筋粉,粗麦粉,烤粉,榛子粉和肉桂粉混合过筛到鸡蛋混合物里。倒入牛奶和提子拌匀。
  4. Blend together flour, semolina, croquant, baking powder and baking soda and sift into the liquid mixture. 将面粉,粗麦粉,糖果仁,小苏打和烤粉混合筛入湿性材料里。
  5. Combine all-purpose flour, semolina, baking powder, ground hazelnut and cinnamon powder and sift into the egg mixture. 中筋粉,粗麦粉,烤粉,榛子粉和肉桂粉混合过筛到鸡蛋混合物里。
  6. I used semolina flour, which is a more primitive flour, and also more nourishing. 可能还有浅色的核果。