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2024-02-08 12:40:17
美[sənes]  英[sɪnes]
vi.  变老


  1. grow old or older;

    "She aged gracefully" "we age every day--what a depressing thought!" "Young men senesce"


  1. Permanent cells have left the cell cycle and are destined to senesce and die. 永久性细胞已脱离细胞周期,注定要衰老和死亡。
  2. In the language of biogerontology, radioactive atoms die but they dont senesce. 用生物老年学家的话说,放射性原子死亡了,但是它们并没有衰老。
  3. I saw the physical body senesce according to its own speed, so I have to catch something. 我看见了肉体正在以它自己的速度衰老,总得抓住点什么。
  4. Are capable of being passed a large but finite number of times before they senesce, or undergo a significant change in their characteristics. 二倍体细胞能多次传代培养,但最终会衰老或其特异发生显著改变。
  5. Chillness intensified the senesce of leaves, enhanced the MDA content and the O2-. produce rate, this was more evident in Shanyou63. 低温处理加剧了叶片的衰老,使得MDA含量和O2-产生速率上升,两优培九的升幅较汕优63小。
  6. When to meet senesce? 什么时候会开始衰老?