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2024-02-08 13:05:17
美[senseɪʃənlˌaɪz]  英[senseɪʃənəlaɪz]
vt.  <主英>=sensationalize


  1. Abdullah said that freedom of the press should not be used as one liked or to sensationalise an issue. 也就是说新闻自由不是用来报道事实的,而是替他“炒饭”的。
  2. I cant say im good and all patient with nosy and unfamiliar reporters who seem all out to sensationalise and magnify whatever negative news they can get their hands on. 我不能说我现在很好,而且还对那些爱追问又陌生的记者能有耐心。
  3. Of course, being a victim, people will believe my version because every reader is aware of how newspapers sensationalise stories these days!” 当然,作为一名受害者,大家会相信我的版本,因为任何读者都知道,如今报纸是如何耸人听闻的捏造故事的。