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2024-02-08 13:18:16
美[sensɪləm]  英[sensɪlɪəm]
n.  [动]感觉器


  1. Two specialized epidermal cells and a bipolar neuron are associated with each sensillum. 一个感器联结着两个特化的真皮细胞和一个双极神经元。
  2. The plate sensillum on the antenna of Trichogramma dendrolimi is a vaulted elongate plate elevated above the antennal surface. 以扫描电镜观察到松毛虫赤眼蜂(Trichogramma dendrolimi)触角板状感器呈穹形长板状隆起在触角的表面。
  3. As for the styloconicum sensillum, based on the dendritic branches in the lumen, and because of absence of the pore in its structure, it was a mechanoreceptor. 至于栓锥感器,树状突出现在内腔,但从结构上没有嗅孔这一特征分析,可以归属为机械感器。
  4. Coeloconic sensilla and basiconic sensilla, the main chemical odor receptors on antennae of B.tabaci, consist of cuticular wall, sheath cells, sensillum lymph and dendrites. 透射电镜观察结果表明,烟粉虱触角上起嗅觉作用的锥形感器和腔锥感器均由表皮壁、鞘细胞和感觉神经元等结构组成。
  5. Therefore, the alkaloid sensilla of P. versicolora were likely the styloconic sensillum on the tips of maxillary palpi, labial palpi and the trichoid sensilla on the tarsi of the fore legs. 可推断柳蓝叶甲感知生物碱感器可能就是下鄂须、下唇须顶端的栓锥感器和足跗节顶端的毛状感器。
  6. Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation of Smerithus planus planusAntennal Sensillum 蓝目天蛾雄虫触角的扫描电镜观察