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2024-02-08 13:22:16
美[sensətɪv]  英[sensətɪv]
adj.  灵敏的;敏感的;感光的;易受伤害的;善解人意的
n.  敏感的人
  副词:sensitively  名词:sensitiveness


  1. 敏感的
  2. 感光的
  3. 过敏的,神经过敏的,感觉灵敏的
  4. 易受伤害的
  5. 易受影响的
  6. 神经质的
  7. 敏锐的
  8. 易怒的,易生气的
  9. 灵敏度高的
  10. 易于发生反应的
  11. 要审慎处理的
  12. 机密的
  13. 易波动的
  14. 善解人意的
  1. 巫师,关亡人
  2. 敏感性皮肤
  3. 敏感的人


  1. 易受伤害的,易损坏的; 易受影响的; 敏感的 easily hurt or damaged; affected greatly or easily by sth
  2. 易生气的; 感情容易冲动的; 神经质的 easily offended or emotionally upset
  3. 〈褒〉感情细腻的; 善解人意的 having or showing perceptive feeling or sympathetic understanding
  4. (指仪器等)灵敏的 (of instruments, etc.) able to measure very small changes
  5. 需要小心处理(以免引起麻烦或冒犯的),敏感的,微妙的 needing to be dealt with carefully so as not to cause trouble or offence; delicate


  1. someone who serves as an intermediary between the living and the dead;

    "he consulted several mediums"

  1. responsive to physical stimuli;

    "a mimosas leaves are sensitive to touch" "a sensitive voltmeter" "sensitive skin" "sensitive to light"

  2. being susceptible to the attitudes, feelings, or circumstances of others;

    "sensitive to the local community and its needs"

  3. able to feel or perceive;

    "even amoeba are sensible creatures" "the more sensible parts of the skin"

  4. hurting;

    "the tender spot on his jaw"

  5. of or pertaining to classified information or matters affecting national security


  1. Shes got very sensitive hearing, skin, etc.她的听觉、 触觉等很灵敏。
  2. Dont be so sensitive and I was not criticizing you.别那么敏感,我不是在批评你。
  3. What food and fruit are sensitive?哪些食物和水果是感光的?
  4. The film is coated with light sensitive chemicals, which are change by the different shades and colors of light.胶卷上涂了一层感光的化学物质,这些物质因光的不同色度与颜色而改变。
  5. Wear rubber gloves if you have very sensitive skin.如果你的皮肤容易受伤的话,就带上橡胶手套。
  6. I have a helpful and sensitive friend.我有一位乐于助人、善解人意的朋友。