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2024-02-08 13:27:16
美[sensətaɪz]  英[sensətaɪz]
v.  (使)敏感;(使)具有感光性;(使)意识到
  名词:sensitization  过去式:sensitized  过去分词:sensitized  现在分词:sensitizing  第三人称单数:sensitizes


  1. make sensitive or aware;

    "He was not sensitized to her emotional needs"

  2. cause to sense; make sensitive;

    "She sensitized me with respect to gender differences in this traditional male-dominated society" "My tongue became sensitized to good wine"

  3. make sensitive to a drug or allergen;

    "Long-term exposure to this medicine may sensitize you to the allergen"

  4. make (a material) sensitive to light, often of a particular colour, by coating it with a photographic emulsion;

    "sensitize the photographic film"


  1. This regulation is time sensit... 这种调整具有时间敏感性。
  2. Conclusion:KLT could sensitize 95D cells to Gemzar in vitro. 康莱特先于健择加入对95D的抑制最强。
  3. A silver salt, especially silver nitrate, used to sensitize paper. 银盐,硝酸银:一种银酸盐,尤指硝酸银,用于使纸感光
  4. Depilatory Hot Wax (Hard).This product is used for hair removal for sensit... 我方应客户要求寻找以下两种脱毛蜡: 1.
  5. To bridge this gap, it is critical to sensitize teachers and education administrators about the importance of inclusive education. 要想减轻这种不平等的现象,很重要的一点在于加强教师和教育管理者对全纳教育重要性的认识。
  6. Any of various blue dyes,used to sensitize photographic emulsions to a greater range of light. 菁,花青一种蓝色染料,用来使摄影用的感光乳胶容易感光来扩大其感光范围