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2024-02-08 13:29:16
美[ˌsensətɒmətə]  英[ˌsensɪtɒmɪtə]
n.  感光计(曝光表)
  形容词:sensitometric  名词:sensitometry


  1. a measuring instrument for measuring the light sensitivity of film over a range of exposures


  1. A sample of each coating is expozed on an Eastman 1B sensitometer and to a wedge spectrograph. 各涂层样品用1B感光仪对着光楔摄谱仪曝光。
  2. A sample of each coating is exposed on an Eastman 1B sensitometer and to a wedge spectrograph. 各涂层样品用1B感光仪对着光楔摄谱仪曝光。
  3. The sensitometer results show that no loss of relative speed occurs when using the curve-shape control addenda of this process. 测定结果表明,当采用本方法的添加剂控制曲线形状时,相对速度不受损失。
  4. Depending upon whether the exposures vary in brightness or duration, the instrument may be called an intensity scale or a time scale sensitometer. 根据亮度或时间的曝光量变化方式的不同,分别称为光强度感光仪(曝光亮度变化)和时间感光仪(曝光时间变化)。
  5. Sensitometer: An instrument with which a photographic emulsion is given a graduated series of exposures to light of controlled spectral quality, intensity, and duration. 感光仪:一种仪器,通过它能控制照射到感光乳剂上的光质,光强和光照时间来提供序列增加的曝光量。
  6. Luckiesh and Moss illuminator ophthalmic sensitometer 吕-莫二氏眼感光计