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2024-02-08 15:17:16
美[septuədʒɪnt]  英[septjuədʒɪnt]
sp.  (公元前3世纪左右完成的)《旧约圣经》的希腊文译本


  1. the oldest Greek version of the Old Testament; said to have been translated from the Hebrew by Jewish scholars at the request of Ptolemy II


  1. Torrey Seland: New English Translation of the Septuagint. 七十士译本又有新的英译本。
  2. The Hebrew Old Testament was later translated into Greek called the Septuagint. 希伯来文圣经后来被翻译成希腊文,被称为七十士译本。
  3. Either of two books of the Septuagint corresponding to the Hebrew books of Ezra and Nehemiah. 以斯拉第一书或以斯拉第二书与犹太人的“以斯拉记”和“尼西米记”两本书相吻合
  4. Hebrews 11 (inspired by Holy Spirit) used the Septuagints translation/interpretation. 希伯来书11章,由圣灵默示:用了七十士本的繙译(解释)。
  5. The name Septuagint was derived from a legend that 72 translators worked on the project. 据传有七十二人参与翻译工作,因此得名七十子本。
  6. Book of Wisdom, or simply Wisdom, is one of the seven sapiential or wisdom books of the Septuagint Old Testament. 《所罗门智慧》,或简称《智慧》,是《旧约圣经》的七大智慧书之一。