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2024-02-08 15:51:16
美[sɪkwestrəm]  英[sɪkwestrəm]
n.  腐骨片;死骨片


  1. The cure rate of radionecrosis of jaws was93.3%by extensive resection of sequestrum. 行死骨扩大切除术,放射性颌骨骨坏死的治愈率达93。3%25;
  2. Conclusion Radionecrosis of jaws can be cured by extensive resection of sequestrum,immediate vascularized tissue grafts can b... 结论放射性颌骨骨坏死的根治须行死骨扩大切除术,同期血管化组织瓣移植可以有效修复颌面部缺损畸形。
  3. Narrowing in the intervertebral space.Abscess formation by chance and in the paravertebral soft tissue without bone sequestrum. 易侵犯相邻的椎间盘导致椎间隙狭窄,未见死骨或软组织肿块,偶有脓肿形成,具有多灶性特点。
  4. CT could clearly demonstrate the extent of bone involved,the destruction of cortex,periosteal reaction,change of soft tissue and sequestrum. CT对病变范围、皮质、骨膜、软组织改变、死骨及邻近结构受累与否显示更清楚。
  5. Jaw is reached inside oral cavity facial skin forms most fistula hole, discharge pus for a long time, sometimes but eduction small sequestrum. 口腔内及颌面部皮肤形成多数瘘孔,长期排脓,有时可排出小死骨片。
  6. All patients had smooth course of removal of the hardware and sequestrum without conversion to traditional open methods. 所有病人均得以顺利手术移除前额金属物或是死骨片而不需在术中改变为传统开放手术方式。