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2024-02-08 16:41:17
美[sɪərɪeɪʃən]  英[sɪərɪeɪʃən]
n.  顺次排列


  1. The AUTOLISP program has been worked out to bring about parts seriation. 编制的AUTOLISP程序可实现机械产品零件的系列化。
  2. The charicteristic of these CRMs high purity,accurate certified value,good traceability and seriation are described. 高纯度、定值准确可靠、良好的溯源性和系列性是这些标准物质的特点。
  3. Honow hopes to head for seriation, standardization, industrialization and internationalization with your cooperation. 迅奥愿与各位携手共进,使企业向产业化、系列化、标准化、国际化的方向发展。
  4. Problems concerning the optical fiber system,optical fiber protection,and instrumentation seriation must be resolved. 对于光纤系统,其关键是解决光纤的保护和仪器系列化问题.
  5. The trends of amine resin retanning agent are the study on multifunctional product and its seriation in the future. 强调,开发和研制多性能复合型氨基树脂复鞣剂并使其产品系列化乃是今后氨基树脂鞣剂的发展方向。
  6. Our product has achieved seriation in specification, diversification in variety and standardization in quality. 目前产品已达到了规格系列化,品种多元化,质量标准化。