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2024-02-08 16:53:17
美[ˌserɪkʌltʃərəl]  英[ˌserɪkʌltʃərəl]
adj.  养蚕的


  1. of or relating to sericulture;

    "sericultural industry"


  1. How to enhance the comprehensive productivity of sericultural production? 探索蚕业增长方式着力提升综合生产能力?
  2. The Tang poetry involves rich descriptions of sericultural production, constituting a brilliant part of Chinese silk cultural historical records. 唐诗中有许多反映蚕桑生产的内容,是我国丝绸文化史册中灿烂的一页。
  3. Researches on the sericultural science and technology achieved great success in 21(superscript st) century based on the improvement of basic science. 摘要进入21世纪,蚕业科学技术的研究在基础研究成果的支持下有较快的发展。
  4. With the completion of the work draft of the silkworm genome, sericultural sciences will enter a new developmental stage of molecular design and bioinformatics. 随着家蚕基因组框架图的完成 ,蚕业科学将进入以分子设计和生物信息为基础的新的发展阶段。
  5. To realize the destination, the macro-measure are: to adjust the allocation, to enhance the research and application of sericultural techniques, to reform the management system. 实现进一步发展目标的宏观对策是:调整蚕桑生产布局,加强技术开发和应用,改革蚕茧经营管理体制。
  6. This article summarized achievements on the applied sericultural science and technology in the last few years, which are mainly from Japanese researchers. 简述了近几年来以日本为主的蚕业科学应用技术研究的重要进展。