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2024-02-08 16:59:17
美[serɪgræfɪk]  英[serɪgræfɪk]
adj.  绢网印花的


  1. That was my birthday gift, a serigraphic scroll with an eagle flapping the high sky printed on it. 那就是我的生日礼物:一副绢网印花的卷轴,上绘一只雄鹰展翅高翔于蓝天。
  2. Serigraph The College of Agriculture bought a serigraph from the States to improve silk knitting techniques. 为研究及改良丝织技术,岭南大学农学院从美国引进生丝复式强伸力机。
  3. When we realize that it is necessary to cross the fotographic and direct serigraph business card printing and membership card making, this technology has been put into action. 当我们意识到有必要越过胶片而直接制作丝网制卡和会员卡制作的时候,这项技术也就应运而生了。
  4. The Designing Sense in Serigraphic Creation 谈丝网版画创作中的设计意识
  5. Innovation of Chinese Serigraphic Ink 中国丝网版画油墨的变革
  6. Thoughts and Feelings on Serigraphic Creation 丝网版画创作随感