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2024-02-08 17:04:17
美[sɪriəs]  英[sɪəriəs]
adj.  严肃的;严重的;认真的;危急的;庄重的
  副词:seriously  名词:seriousness


  1. 严肃的,庄严的
  2. 严重的,重要的,危急的
  3. 认真的,当真的,不是开玩笑的
  4. 宗教的,伦理学的
  5. 热衷的
  6. 令人担心的
  7. 非供消遣的
  8. 极感兴趣的
  9. <口>大量的
  10. 不好的


  1. 严重的,非同小可的 not easy to deal with causing worry and needing attention, not slight
  2. 认真的,真诚的 not joking or funny; (intended) to be considered as sincere
  3. 严肃的,庄重的 as if thinking deeply about important or worrying matters
  4. 重要的 of an important kind, needing paid any serious attention


  1. concerned with work or important matters rather than play or trivialities;

    "a serious student of history" "a serious attempt to learn to ski" "gave me a serious look" "a serious young man" "are you serious or joking?" "Dont be so serious!"

  2. of great consequence;

    "marriage is a serious matter"

  3. causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm;

    "a dangerous operation" "a grave situation" "a grave illness" "grievous bodily harm" "a serious wound" "a serious turn of events" "a severe case of pneumonia" "a life-threatening disease"

  4. appealing to the mind;

    "good music" "a serious book"

  5. completely lacking in playfulness
  6. requiring effort or concentration; complex and not easy to answer or solve;

    "raised serious objections to the proposal" "the plan has a serious flaw"


  1. serious attention认真的注意
  2. serious disadvantage极其不利
  3. serious drinking痛饮一番
  4. serious illness重病
  5. serious matter慎重考虑的事
  6. serious music严肃音乐
  7. serious natural calamities严重的自然灾害
  8. serious problems严重的问题
  9. serious question严肃的问题
  10. serious speech严肃演讲
  11. serious talk认真谈一谈
  12. serious time时间很紧急
  1. deadly serious极其严重的
  1. take it serious认真对待这事
  1. serious about对…认真的
  2. serious about ones work对工作很认真


  1. Do not treat this serious matter as a joke.不要把这件严肃的事情当作笑料。
  2. A serious look passed over his face.他脸上显出一副严肃的神色。
  3. There was a serious motor smash on the bridge.桥上发生了严重的汽车相撞事故。
  4. We are today facing a serious credit crunch.我们今日正面对严重的信贷困难。
  5. The hardest task of a girls life is to prove to a man that his intention is serious.女孩子生命中最困难的任务是去证实一位男士(对她)的意思是认真的。
  6. I was pretty serious in what I said at dinner.我晚餐时说的话是当真的。
  7. It was felt inappropriate by some that such a serious occasion should include dancing.有些人认为在如此庄重的场合跳舞实在是不妥。


    serious的基本意思“严重的,非同小可”,指问题或局势很危急或不易处理,令人担忧和恐惧,须认真对待,引申可表示“重要的”,指某事件需要人们认真思考或需要精湛技艺。 serious还可作“认真的”“真诚的”解,指的是专心致志于工作而不去玩乐,关心的不是消遣的事物而是重要的事物。引申可指人“严肃的,庄重寡言的”,也可以用来描写人的表情严肃。


  1. 你认为他当真想离开他的妻子吗?

    Do you think he is serious in leaving his wife?

    Do you think he is serious about leaving his wife?

    当表示“对…严肃”时,用介词 about ,不可用介词in。