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2024-02-08 17:13:17
美[sɜːmɒnɪk]  英[sɜːmɒnɪk]
adj.  说教性的


  1. The boy got a sermon from his father. 这男孩受到他父亲的训斥。
  2. He preaches the same sermon every Christmas. 他每逢圣诞节都宣讲同一教旨。
  3. The half- baked sermon cause spiritual indigestion. 半生不熟的说教会引起精神上的消化不良。
  4. Sometimes the rector came up and preached a sermon. 有时候教区牧师来布道。
  5. The priest preached a sermon with a trait of humor. 那位神父讲道有幽默感。
  6. Father gave me a sermon on table manners. 父亲就餐桌礼仪问题对我作了一番说教。