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2024-02-08 17:19:17
美[sɪəroʊgruːp]  英[sɪərəʊgruːp]
n.  (由有类似血清反应的血清型组成的) 血清组


  1. All the inhabitants should be injected serogroup A+C vaccine. 结论:本次流行以C群流脑为主,病情重,应采取全人群接种流脑(A+C)疫苗。
  2. Four cerebral spinal fluid specimens were positive for Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A by latex test. 通过乳胶试验,对四份脑脊液标本检测脑膜炎奈瑟菌血清组A呈阳性。
  3. Objective To determine the shift of the age distribution of meningococcal disease caused by serogroup C. 摘要目的研究C群流行性脑脊髓膜炎病例年龄分布特征。
  4. Result 5 strains of classical biotype of Vibrio cholerae(VC)O1 serogroup(CVC)were all classical type. 结果霍乱弧菌(VC)O1群古典型(CVC)5株均为class类型。
  5. ACPS was conjugated to OMPC of serogroup B (BOMPC) by carbodiimide mediated condensation. 通过碳化二亚铵 (EDC)介导的缩合反应将B群外膜蛋白复合物与A群荚膜多糖偶联。
  6. In order to detect the distribution of serogroup(type) of the leptospirosis in different geographical regions. 目的:为了解不同类型地理景观中钩端螺旋体病血清群(型)的分布。