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2024-02-08 17:24:17
美[ˌsɪroʊnegətɪv]  英[sɪərəʊnegətɪv]
adj.  血清反应阴性的


  1. And all patients were evaluated based on seronegative of HCV RNA. 采用AmpliSensorTM HCV RNA荧光定量试剂盒对所有患者进行HCV RNA定量检测。
  2. AFA are valuable diagnostic parameter for RA,especially in the early and seronegative RA. AFA检测对RA有诊断价值 ,特别有利于RF阴性及早期RA诊断。
  3. It is highly valuable to diagnose seronegative and early RA. AFA was correlated to other autoantibodies of RA. AFA 与其它RA 相关自身抗体相关,他们联合检测可以相互补充,提高对RA 的诊断价值;
  4. Conclusion The percentage of seroconversion was less than 100%.A booster dose is required for those seronegative individuals. 结论注射狂犬疫苗的人群抗体阳性率仍未能达到100%25,对结果阴性者应及时补种疫苗。
  5. Graft dysfunction was observed in 46% of these children, and in 35% of the transplant recipients seronegative for autoantibodies. 这些儿童46%25发生移植物失功,35%25病毒血清学和自身抗体阳性。
  6. The subjects, later identified as 152 seroposi tive and 88 seronegative, were selected for analysis of the correlates of HCV infection. 型肝炎感染以年龄标准化呈现盛行率,进一步采逻辑复迴归分析该地区传染C型肝炎之危险因子。