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2024-02-08 17:26:17
美[ˌsɪroʊpjʊrələnt]  英[sɪərəʊpjʊərʊlənt]
adj.  [医]浆液脓性的


  1. Bullae are rounded or irregularly shaped blisters containing serous or seropurulent fluid.They differ from vesicles only in size, being larger than 1 cm. 大疱为圆形或不规则形的大水疱,含浆液性浆液脓性液体,大于1cm,与水疱仅是大小之别。
  2. or the broken bleb may leave a raw and moist base, which may be covered with seropurulent or purulent exudates. 或者,大疱破后留下粗糙、湿润的基底面,其上覆盖浆液脓性或脓性分泌物。
  3. Seropurulent pleurisy 浆液性脓性胸膜炎