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2024-02-08 17:29:17
美[sɪərɒsɪtɪ]  英[sɪərɒsɪtɪ]
n.  浆液一般的性质;如水液体;浆液


  1. Congestion appeared in spleen and splenic trabecula were strongly dilated and filled with serosity. 脾红髓淤血,脾窦扩张;
  2. The experiment results show that adding a little amount PAA to the ammonium hydroxide can increase the sedimentation rate and improve the filtrate rate of ADU serosity evidently. 结果表明:在ADU沉淀过程中,通过在沉淀剂氨水中加入少量PAA,能显著增加ADU的沉降速度和改善ADU浆体的过滤性能;
  3. Used for all kinds of milk products,drinks、ice cream、latex and serosity, etc.It can take effect of preventing or reducing the delamination of the latex and improve the apperance and taste. 用于各种奶制品,饮料、冰淇淋、乳化胶剂、浆液等,能起到防止或减少料液分层,改善物料外观和口感的作用。
  4. This article presents the application of grouting to the seepage prevention treatment in Xiaolangdi Reservoir, describe the arts and crafts of grouting and the merit of BR serosity. 摘要介绍了灌浆技术在小浪底水库防渗处理中的应用,阐述了灌浆的施工工艺以及BR浆液的优点。
  5. The remov ratio of COD in the waste water and turbidity are 94.42 %, 93.17 % respectively.The water disposed attained the first-class exhaustion criterion of chemical fiber and serosity. 经处理后废水的COD去除率高达94.;42%25;浊度去除率达93
  6. In view of the coal gangue here, the article gives a piece of advice that takes mainly grouting and subsidarily sprays the serosity onto high-temperature surface, digging ditches and surface coverage. 针对本开石山的实际情况,提出了采用注浆法为主,辅以高温区域表面喷射浆液、挖掘沟槽、表面覆盖等灭火方法;