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2024-02-08 17:35:17
美[sɪərətoʊnɪnɜːdʒɪk]  英[sɪərətəʊnɪnɜːdʒɪk]
adj.  [生理]含血清素的
sp.  血清素激活的.


  1. Serotoninergic System in Human Skin? 人类皮肤中的5-羟色胺能系统?
  2. The postulated mechanisms include dysfunction of the limbic or serotoninergic system. 假设的机制包括边缘系统或5-羟色胺能系统功能障碍。
  3. Dexfenfluramine, an agent known to promote serotoninergic neuronal activity, also may elevate mood state. 代理人右芬氟拉明以促进含血清素的神经元活动,也可提高情绪状态。
  4. According to these results, it is suggested that MPTP inhibits raphe MAO B without destroying its host serotoninergic neurons and that raphe MAO B does not appear to be crucial in the MPTP induced nigral lesion. 根据上述结果我们认为,MPTP抑制中缝核内单胺氧化酶B,但不破坏5-HT能神经元,并且中缝核内单胺氧化酶B在MPTP导致黑质损伤的过程中不起关键作用。
  5. Our results suggest that the origins of the serotoninergic fibers in L6 and S1 seginents may be extensive,not only from the reticular formation of medulla oblongata but also from reticular formation of pons and nucleus of cerebral nerve. 提示L6和S1节段的5-HT传入纤维起源是广泛的,不仅延髓网状结构,而且脑桥网状结构和脑神经核内的5-HT能神经元也向L6和S1投射。
  6. The morphological properties of serotoninergic immunoreactive fibers and their spatial relationships to pleural sensory neurons of Aplysia were studied with an immunocytochemical ABC method under light and transmission electron microscopy. 应用免疫细胞化学 ABC 法,研究了海兔5-羟色胺免疫反应阳性(5-HT-IR)纤维与侧节感觉神经元的空间关系。