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2024-02-08 17:36:16
美[seərəˌtaɪp]  英[sɪərətaɪp]
n.  血清型
v.  按血清型分类
  过去式:serotyped  过去分词:serotyped  现在分词:serotyping  第三人称单数:serotypes


  1. The serotype of 4 strains of HBV were adr, and 3 strains were adw. 血清型adr 4 例,adw 3 例。
  2. Multi-drug resistant strains had no characteristic serotype. 对多种抗生素耐药株无特定的血清型。
  3. Serotype indentification found that all bacterial strai... 经停诊整顿,严格消毒,再没有检出相同菌株。
  4. All of these shows the JH strain belongs to APP serotype 1. 用建立的分型方法对APP野毒株JH株进行分型鉴定,对比两次PCR的特异性条带,确定JH株为血清1型APP。
  5. In the 112 Salmonella serotype, S.derby and S.enteritidis were dominant. 分离到的112株沙门菌以德比、肠炎血清型占优势。
  6. The results indicated that these isolates may be a potential new serotype. 结果表明,13株待检菌株可能属于一个新的血清型。