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2024-02-08 17:44:17
美[səpəntiːnaɪt]  英[səpəntiːnaɪt]
n.  [地]蛇纹岩


  1. Serpentinite is the least altered member of the peridotite suite. 蛇纹岩是橄榄岩组蚀变最轻微的分子。
  2. The valuable monmetallic mineral deposits in the mineroge-netic series in clude peridotite, basalt, serpentinite, asbestos, talc and jades etc. 这一成矿系列中的主要非金属矿有橄榄岩、玄武岩、蛇纹岩、石棉、滑石、玉石类等等,主要的成矿作用有岩浆作用、接触变质作用、交代蚀变作用等。
  3. The deposits are strictly controlled by the boron-bearing serpentinite of Lieryu formation, Liaohe Group, and influenced by fold structures. 野外地质和物化探工作表明,该矿区具有成矿的层控性和再造性等特征。
  4. Peridotite has undergone strong serpentinization and was completely replaced by serpentinite, but the pseudomorph of olivine and orthopyroxene still are preserved. 橄榄岩虽然发生了强烈蛇纹岩化(现在为蛇纹岩),但蛇纹岩中保留了斜方辉石和橄榄石的假象。
  5. In the experiments, ordinary Portland cement (OPC) paste, C190 cement paste, marble and serpentinite specimens are selected for uniaxial compression and Brazilian tests. 在实验方面,单轴压缩与巴西试验选用纯水泥浆、C190水泥砂浆、大理岩及蛇纹岩试体;
  6. Water changes the rock to serpentinite, named for its green snakeskin pattern, which, as it weathers, breaks down into nutrient-poor soil, heavy with metals. 水力把岩石侵蚀成为蛇纹岩,因其绿色的如同蛇皮的图案而得名。