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2024-02-08 17:52:16
美[sereɪʃn]  英[sereɪʃn]
n.  锯齿状;锯齿形;锯齿状突起


  1. the condition of being serrated;

    "the serrations of a city skyline"

  2. a row of notches;

    "the pliers had serrations to improve the grip"

  3. a single notch in a row of notches;

    "one of the serrations was broken off"


  1. The points for attention in designing the serration axle are pointed out. 指出了渐开线螺旋花键轴几何尺寸设计时应注意的问题。
  2. Full serration: New for 2006 Microtech Will offer a full serration option on a limited number of skus. 郯拆模钼树脂涂层:高腐蚀和耐化学性,装饰性,边际耐磨性,易于翻新的微技术。
  3. Post processing method is put forward in order to removal serration of spectral curve after calibration. 提出了反射率反演后波谱曲线上存在的锯齿状现象的消除方法;
  4. After our productions up to large-scale, we will re-invest development and production of wires &electric cables to make completion and serration, to get more economical benefits. 在生产达到一定规模以后,公司即准备再投资扩建20亩地,用于电线、电缆的开发和生产,以使生产配套、系列化,和达到一定的经济效益范畴。
  5. The serration flow phenomenon is associated with dynamic strain aging (DSA) and yield a negative strain-rate dependence of the flow stress. 结果表明: 易拉罐用铝材在形变过程中会出现动态应变时效现象;
  6. Multi-radiating costae and stout tubercles on the valves are much more important than that of serration structure in high taxonomic status for the family Afrograptidae. 作者认为这一构造被视为非洲叶肢介科分类的主要依据是不合适的,壳瓣的放射褶或粗瘤构造在高级分类上更重要, 进而对该科的含义进行了厘定;