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2024-02-08 20:20:17
美[sekstet]  英[sekstet]
n.  六重唱;六重奏;六个一组;曲棍球队


  1. 【音】六重唱
  2. 六个一组
  3. 六重奏乐团
  4. 六重唱组合
  5. 六重奏(曲)
  6. 曲棍球队
  7. 六行诗节
  8. 【化】六隅


  1. a musical composition written for six performers
  2. the cardinal number that is the sum of five and one
  3. six performers or singers who perform together
  4. a set of six similar things considered as a unit
  5. six people considered as a unit


  1. The six electrons which occupy this cloud are called the aromatic sextet. 这个云里的六个电子叫芳香六偶体。
  2. The sex electrons which occupy this trous-shaped cloud are called the aromatic sextet. 显示这个弯筒形云的六个电子叫芳香六偶体。
  3. Hampton dissolved the big band in 1965but continued to play with a sextet he called the Inner Circle. 1965年汉普顿解散了大乐队,但仍和他称之为“圈内人”的六重奏乐团演出。
  4. There is a slight trace of some folk influence from this New England sextet, but its often buried in the rough production of the EP. 在这个来自新英格兰的六人组中隐约可见一点民谣的影子,但多数都被EP粗糙的制作所淹没。
  5. This critically acclaimed sextet can vary its instrumentation for each piece in a concert, offering audiences a wide range of sounds, textures and styles. 首度来港,将为香港市民提供一次欣赏高超细腻演奏技巧、多变声音、音色及风格的机会。
  6. An Italian Renaissance Sextet: six Tales In Historical Context 意大利文艺复兴六重奏曲:历史背景下的六个故事