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2024-02-08 20:27:16
美[sekstjʊpəl]  英[sekstjʊpl]
adj.  六倍;由六个部份构成的;六重的
n.  六倍
v.  变成六格;变成六重
  副词:sextuply  过去式:sextupled  过去分词:sextupled  现在分词:sextupling  第三人称单数:sextuples


  1. having six units or components


  1. The rare sextuple, be lovable oh! 首页>>搞笑贴图>>罕见的六胞胎,可爱哦!
  2. At sextuple eight, the Yang energy declines from the top, desiccated face, grey hair. 六八阳气衰竭于上,面焦,发鬓颁白。
  3. At sextuple seven, three yang channels decline from the top, face thoroughly desiccat and hair starts to turn grey. 六七三阳脉衰于上,面皆焦,发始白。
  4. The best example of such a sextuple bond is that between two tungsten atoms, which bond each other in a complex embrace involving six pairs of electrons. 最好的实例是一个存在于两个钨原子间的六重键,这两个原子相互之间是通过包含六对电子的键合而形成复合物。
  5. Sextuple circuit transmission line 同塔6回线路
  6. Monitor and Early Intervention on Neuropsychological Development of a Premature Sextuple with Very Low Birth-Weight 六胞胎极低出生体重早产儿神经心理发育监测及早期干预