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2024-02-08 21:21:16
美[ʃædoʊlɪs]  英[ʃædəʊlɪs]
adj.  没有影子的


  1. Zhou people seeking change, shadowless. 转寻周人,无影,
  2. A continuous wallrun is called "Shadowless Footsteps". 连续跑墙叫做“ShadowlessFootsteps(无影脚)”。
  3. Mama had disappeared into the darkness like a ghost, silent, shadowless. 妈妈就在暗中像个活鬼似的走了,连个影子也没有。
  4. He would have liked to be a god, he would have liked to be shadowless. 他希望像一个神,他希望没有影子。
  5. Note: Shadowless bulb with crown internal reflector are special light source in hospital operation assembly. 说明:无影灯泡采用内壁镀反射膜的玻璃灯壳制成,是医院手术室无影灯具专用光源。
  6. Ren to the shadowless, only pacing in the Akika hospital buildings, or climb in the mountains overlooking the above. 任雁去无影,只踱步在秋香院宇,或登高俯瞰于重山之上。