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2024-02-08 21:37:16
美[ʃeɪk]  英[ʃeɪk]
n.  族长;酋长


  1. He must attend the association of the shaikh. 5.;他必须参加筛海的聚会。
  2. He must love his shaikh with an extraordinary love. 6.;他必须特别的热爱筛海。
  3. The murid must be sincere and loyal to the company of his shaikh. 5.;门人在陪伴筛海时必须真诚和忠诚。
  4. This might harm the shaikh in a way that the murid is unaware of. 这可能以一种门人不知道的方式伤害筛海。
  5. I dont know whether Shaikh was mentally ill or not. 我不知道阿克毛精神是否正常。
  6. He must serve his shaikh and make himself as useful as possible. 3.;他必须为筛海服务,使自己尽可能的有益于筛海。