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2024-02-08 21:43:17
美[ʃeɪkər]  英[ʃeɪkə(r)]
n.  摇动者;摇动器;搅拌器
sp.  Shaker:adj.;夏克尔风格的


  1. a person who wields power and influence;

    "a shaker of traditional beliefs" "movers and shakers in the business world"

  2. a member of Christian group practicing celibacy and communal living and common possession of property and separation from the world
  3. a container in which something can be shaken


  1. The salt shaker is in Back of the pepper shaker. 盐罐放在胡椒罐的后面。
  2. He mixed us a drink in the cocktail shaker. 他用鸡尾酒调酒器帮我们调了一杯酒。
  3. Can you make this shale shaker work? 你能使这台振动筛工作吗?
  4. He was always a remarkably short shaker. 他和人家握手,时间总是短得出奇。
  5. How is the shaker made to vibrate? 怎样使振动筛工作?
  6. Have you changed the shaker screen today? 今天你们换震动筛筛布了吗?