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2024-02-08 21:48:16
美[ʃeɪkɪnɪs]  英[ʃeɪkɪnɪs]
n.  震动;颤抖;动摇


  1. a shaky motion;

    "the shaking of his fingers as he lit his pipe"

  2. the quality of being unstable and insecure;

    "the shakiness of the present regime"


  1. Nobody yet knows how long and how seriously the shakiness in the financial system will drag down the ecomomy. 无人知晓金融系统的动荡会在多长时间内并多大程度上氢把经济拖垮.
  2. Other signs of concussion are stomach and head pain, muscle weakness and a { lost in shakiness a} vision. 其他的一些脑震荡的征兆是头痛,胃痛,浑身乏力,视觉模糊。
  3. THE shakiness of Western stockmarkets in recent days is nothing compared with what has been going on in the Gulf. 最近西方世界的股票市场的振荡与海湾地区比起来简直不值一提。
  4. We to the seashore, the sea wind blew the vehicle shakiness, my daughter have frightened cry. 我们到了海边,海风雨把车吹的摇摇晃晃,女儿吓得大哭。
  5. This has got to be the first step you take on the path to freedom.That will help you turn the shakiness into strength. 这是你在通往自由之路上所要走的第一步,它能帮助你将软弱变为坚强。
  6. The impact includes the feeling of drowsiness, disorientation, shakiness, dry mouth, blurred vision and an inability to concentrate. 这些影响包括昏睡感、失去方向感、颤抖感、口干舌燥感、视觉模糊感,以及一种无法集中精神的感觉。