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2024-02-08 22:09:16
美[ʃæmbə]  英[ʃæmbə]
n.  (东非的)一块耕地


  1. I will leave my parents shamba and live with my husbands family. 我会离开我父母的农场,与丈夫的家人生活在一起。
  2. Five women from the neighboring shamba arrived and took up the death chant. 邻近的石堡来了五个女人,开始吟唱死亡圣歌。
  3. You must still work in your fathers shamba, along with your duties here. 你不仅要忙这里,还必须给你父亲的农场干活儿。”
  4. I do not own as large a shamba as most men in the village, and the hyenas killed three of my cows this past year. 我没有村里大多数男人都有的大农场,去年,鬣狗还咬死了我三头牛。”
  5. "You can always divorce her and return her to her familys shamba," I suggested. “你大可以休了她,把她遣回她家的农场,”我建议道。
  6. She handed the bird to me. "I will be back soon," she promised, racing off toward her shamba. 她把鸟交给我。“我马上回来。”话音未落,便一溜烟的朝她家农场奔去。